When I Am Weak…

It’s not going to be easy, but God has given me, and will continue to be my, strength.
With each day, more growth is taken place in my walk with my Daddy God. In this week’s class, we are talking about the importance of the Bible. We began the class going a little deeper with the inductive method of studying the bible, which I really have enjoyed, as it has caused me to have to really think.
With the inductive method, there are 3 steps: Observation, Interpretation, and Application. The most challenging part of studying the bible, is remembering, before I apply the word to myself, to first take time to think about the original audience of the scripture. Each step takes its own time; in order to truly understand anything, it takes time.
Unfortunately, I have not been the best person when it comes to waiting. I know good things come to those who wait; it’s a very beautiful thing to think about and to hear. However, I.DO.NOT.LIKE.TO.WAIT! Daddy God has been working in me with learning how to wait, and to just enjoy the now. It’s frustrating at times, but at other moments, it’s very sweet.
I mentioned in a previous post about living in the now, and well, that hasn’t changed. No matter how many times I read that phrase, or even say it to myself, I still have to remind myself to LIVE IN THE NOW! There are many things that can take place in the future, but right now, I am to live in the present.
We human beings have such a bad habit of needing to know EVERYTHING that is going to happen, that we completely forget about and miss out on what’s happening in the present – I am preaching to myself, trust me. Unfortunately, I have been suffering from this bad habit, as I have found myself battling these thoughts daily – but I surrender! I surrendered my thoughts to my Daddy God last night, and I will continue to remind myself that my thoughts belong to Him, not to me.
This is a daily choice I have to make, just like the daily choice to walk in His peace, or the daily choice to love someone. Right now, I want to be honest with you – I ABSOLUTELY LOVE SPAIN! I love that Daddy God has chosen me to go out for Him, and because of that, He has chosen to give me a time of training. I love that Daddy God is also blessing me with opportunities to #meetnostrangers and to take in more cultures, as He knows how much I thoroughly enjoying getting to know other cultures. However, there are days in which I hurt from missing my family and friends back in the states. I don’t like that I feel this way, as I feel as though I am telling Daddy that I don’t like the choice He made in having me come here. As the celebration for my uncle graduating to Heaven takes place today, and I am here without family, the pain grows just a little more.
I typically fight these emotions, the tears, all of the “softness”, but today, I am not sure that’s going to happen, and I think I’m okay with that. In my moment of weakness, I am going to just sit in my Daddy God’s lap, and let Him have it all!! Just like a child that has fallen asleep in the car, and you have to carry that child into the house – yep, that’s going to be me, and I’m okay with that! The cool thing is that my Daddy is big enough to hold this big girl just like a little big baby.
Lesson I have learned: I don’t always have to be strong. For when I am weak, then I am strong. [2 Corinthians 12: 10b]
My encouragement to you: Take pleasure in weaknesses, for the sake of Christ. [2 Corinthians 12: 10a]
Please know that I am ever grateful for your partnership in this adventure, whether it be through prayer (please read the “get involved” page), finances, text messages, social media posts, or letters (if you need my address, PLEASE message me). If you would like to financially support me in any way, please click the button found on the Home page, or send me an email. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
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