So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them
Genesis 1: 27, NIV
I love this verse because it makes me think about how the Creator of the UNIVERSE took the time to create every single one of us. Everything that is unique about each of us, God thought up and said it was very good. From the texture of our hair, to the color of our eyes, dimple in our cheek, gap in our teeth (gaps represent!), and color of our skin. God created us and thought to Himself, “this is very good”, and has chosen to love us unconditionally – flaws and all!
Unfortunately, all of God’s creation doesn’t choose to love each other as Christ loves us. Not all of His creation chooses to look at others with God’s eyes. Not everyone chooses to get to know the other’s story.
Today, I wanted to shine a light on a FEW BLACK LIVES that MATTER to me. These BLACK LIVES have played a major role in the person I am today. These BLACK LIVES have added beautifully to my story.

Meet my brother, Larry, Jr. Not only is he a firefighter/EMT, but he is also a combat veteran of the United States Army, a husband, and a father of two beautiful children. Growing up, it was always just the two of us. We always had each other’s back, no matter what – and this hasn’t changed.
Many people may call him a hero because of his career – you know, fighting fires and all. However, I call him my hero because of the way he fights for his family. Because of our relationship, I have known the love of a sibling, how to be tough, how I want another man to treat me, and many other things. He is not perfect, but he is MY brother.
Please look at his face. Please know his name. Please get to know his story. His black life matters!

Meet my dad, Larry, Sr. Growing up, I always knew my dad as a pastor who loved the Lord. He no longer pastors a church, but I know that He continues to love the Lord. I appreciate his wisdom. Now, he has his own lawn care business – he’ll get your yard looking nice!
Although the divorce between my mom and dad brought on so much pain, because of God’s love, we were able to build a relationship. It is because of my dad, that I first truly learned to forgive. And to watch him now, with my new little brother, I am reminded of how he too is a good father.
Please look at his face. Please know his name. Please get to know his story. His black life matters!

Meet my little brother, Royal. I have not had the privilege of getting to meet him in person yet, but that has not stopped me from choosing to love him anyway. He is my little brother, and to watch him grow up and become whatever his heart desires, is a desire of mine.
My dad has sent many pictures and videos of him helping out in the yard, and it’s the cutest thing. He is a hard worker already, and loves our dad so much!
Please look at his face. Please know his name. Please get to know his story. His black life matters!

Meet my grandfather, Lewis, aka Pops. He served in The United States Air Force and is living his best life in retirement from the work force. He is a deacon at his church and has a VERY beautiful tenor voice – you can ask Carnegie hall and the Oakland Symphony what they think!
From my Pops, I have learned a love a singing praises to our Heavenly Father, as I have been blessed to receive the gift that my mother has. I have also learned to stand behind what I believe in, no matter what the world around me may say. My pops comes with plenty of sass, lots of questions, but most importantly tons of love.
Please look at his face. Please know his name. Please get to know his story. His black life matters!

Meet my cousin David. He is a computer consultant. In my words – he’s a techie nerd. He’s also a man who not only provides financially for his family, but he also leads them spiritually.
Because of my relationship with David, I began to really have a relationship with the Lord. It was because of the time that he and his wife spent with me, choosing to love me, and to guide me towards what God’s word says that drew me closer to God. I am not, by birth, David’s daughter, but he chooses to love me as such. His actions and his words are those of a father’s.
Please look at his face. Please know his name. Please get to know his story. His black life matters!

Meet my cousin Christian. Christian is a 19 year old who just completed his second year at M.I.T! Yes, my boy is a smartie! I couldn’t be more proud of him. Not only is he one of my favorite nerds, but he is also one of my favorite pianists, and I have adopted him as one of my little brothers.
Christian has one of the sweetest spirits that anyone would ever meet. He loves to love and loves to be loved. One of my favorite things about him are his hugs. I have loved watching him grow up to becoming this handsome young man. He has grown so much over the years, and watching him seek God blesses me so much.
Please look at his face. Please know his name. Please get to know his story. His black life matters!

Meet my uncle Tim. He is a business owner of a karate school who is a lover of Christ, with a MBA. He also served in the United States Marines and as a law enforcement officer. Uncle Tim is also a provider for his family.
Like David, I am not, by birth, his daughter, however he has chosen to love me as his own since the first time he met me. Well, maybe not the first time he met me, since that was apparently when my brother and I jumped him while he waited for my aunt to get ready for their date, to the Marine Ball. I became his first princess, and he made me feel as such ever since.
Please look at his face. Please know his name. Please get to know his story. His black life matters!

Meet my cousin Jarell, aka Cal. He is the co-owner of one of the aforementioned Karate Schools. Yes, you would be correct in assuming that he is the son of Tim. He is not only a son, and co-owner, but he is also a husband, a father, and a provider for his family. I love watching the way that he uses a gift of his, dancing, to glorify our Heavenly Father.
Cal was my first “little brother” – you know the type that knows how to get under your skin, that you beat up when no one is looking? Yea, Cal was that kind of cousin growing up. Looking at him now, He has grown to be such a handsome young man. We now talk grown-folk talk..that’s weird!
Please look at his face. Please know his name. Please get to know his story. His black life matters!

Meet Devon, aka DC. Devon is a principal and photographer.
When I first met DC, I had just recently graduated from UNCG, and was substitute teaching while looking/waiting for my full time teaching position. DC saw me, and my potential, and took me in. He was a principal of elementary school, and was the first one to give me my first teaching position. With it being middle of the year, it was only a temporary position, but that didn’t stop him from fighting for me. At the end of the year, he fought to keep me there, however God had other plans for me and wanted me at a different school. DC gave me my first opportunity. DC believed in me.
Please look at his face. Please know his name. Please get to know his story. His black life matters!

Meet Ralph. He is now the pastor of Impact City Church in Odessa, Texas. He is also one of the coolest nerds I know.
When I met Pastor Ralph, he and his family had just moved to North Carolina from Texas. He was the new Associate Pastor of CityGate Church (my home church), and his love and passion for Christ was very evident from the first time I heard him speak.
Getting to know Pastor Ralph, I learned about the true love of a father. You see, I never knew that his son with whom he moved to NC was not his son by blood – and one would never know because of the way he loved his son, and the way that he talked about his son. You see, although he was not his son by blood, he never referred to him as a “stepson”, as most people would. It was from Pastor Ralph that my eyes were open to the fact that yes, stairs are what you step on, and he was not stepping on his son, but loving on him. I admired him for this. I have also admired his obedience during a difficult season. As a missionary, his teaching and his support have both been blessings in my life.
Please look at his face. Please know his name. Please get to know his story. His black life matters!

Meet Kevin, aka KBB. Kevin is the administrator at a large church in northeast of Dallas. He is also an ordained pastor and he and his wife have an international ministry called Marriage Works!
I met KBB at my church when it was still called Word of Life Family Church. He not only was the Associate pastor at the time, but he also wasn’t afraid to get behind the piano and a microphone. The man could also play the trumpet.
One of the first things I think about when I think about KBB is his leadership, his love for his wife, and his tenacity. I admire him for all of those things, and I believe it’s part of what makes him a great man of God. Watching the way that he loves his wife truly taught me to not lower my standards for how I want to be treated as a woman, as a wife.
Please look at his face. Please know his name. Please get to know his story. His black life matters!
There are many other BLACK LIVES that I can write about that also MATTER, but these are just a few that I wanted to shine a light on for you to get to know. They all have played and continue to play an important part in my story. I am thankful for their lives. Their lives matter.
Mary E Kuettner
So nice to get to know something about the people that you love. I met some of them of course at your wedding but I loved to hear more.
Maiya K
Thank you mama Mary!
Cliff Capps
Maiya, I can only speak on behalf of your brother Larry, and speak I will. He is one of the best MEN I have the pleasure of knowing. Although 10 years my junior, he still has found a way to be a role model for me. He is an amazing father, husband to Crystal, and friend to me…and me being white or not, I am MORE than proud to call that man my brother.
Maiya K
Thank you for sharing this Capps! I appreciate it.
I know several of these wonderful men. They have individually and collectively made their families and communities better. Thank you for sharing. Black Lives Matter.
Maiya K
They are great men.
Thank you so much for reading.