Hay Más!

Hello there week 2!
God has been so busy in so many areas of my life, and to be able to put this into words is going to be a challenge. However, if you know me, you know that I LOVE challenges. Here we go…
In just the first week of classes, I have already learned so much in the area of my relationship with God. First, just how to hear from Him. One of my biggest expectations for being here, is to learn how to hear from God. In the first week, God has already been at work in this area. I have learned what it truly means to hear from God and to intercede for someone. Just knowing how to sit quietly in His presence, clean my heart, silence the voice of others & the enemy, and invite God to speak to me was, a treat in itself. And then for Him to ACTUALLY show me images or give me a word – to feel useful! There is this feeling in which I cannot even explain, that came over me; just knowing that God wanted to, and did, use me to speak into someone’s life, or even to pray for someone or something. This is something I have always wanted to have and to feel, and Daddy has already started to reveal this to me – that I have had this all along. It’s amazing how much you can see when you take some time to just stop and LOOK!!
I remember a time when I used to listen to people say that they spent HOURS with God, just sitting in His word, praying, or whatever their “spending time with God” looked like. For me, I couldn’t understand it, because I always thought it was just them sitting. Oh how I was SO wrong in this department. I have truly learned to LOVE spending time with Daddy: in His word, through journaling, through worship, through laughter, through prayer, and even sometimes just sitting still in His lap [yes, I actually know how to sit still, believe it or not]. My quiet time with Daddy is such a treat; I look forward to what He wants to reveal to me each time I sit with Him. And the coolest thing, is that I may do this multiple times in a day!
What a difference it makes to be around other God-loving people! I have enjoyed hearing their stories/testimonies on how they came to know Christ, or even how they came to be at this YWAM. It’s amazing how we can be from many different places around the world, but have similar stories to tell. God knew and knows exactly what He is doing, ALL THE TIME! Every area of this DTS was planned by Him – in our room placements, the team He put together, our personalities, our gifts, EVERYTHING! I have sat back many days just thinking about how beautifully God has put things together! He is absolutely amazing!
This week, the topic of our class is “Destiny by Design”. We began the class by talking about our calling, our dreams. Have you ever thought about the fact that what we used to love to play with as little kiddos, also has to do with our dreams? Think about it some. What is it that you used to love to play with as a little child? Really take some time to think about what you played with and why you played with it. For example: for me, I used to love to play “teacher”, but not just be bossy, but to feel like I had something to give to someone, to help them. That is exactly what God has allowed me to do, and in so many ways.
Before coming to Spain, I was a teacher in a classroom. In this area, I had something to give to the students in the form of knowledge and strategies to assist them with grabbing hold of their own success. I also was able to give to them love and confidence. In my church, I was a leader in many areas: children’s worship, children’s small groups, youth, Spanish small group, and even a small group for young adult women. In many of these areas, God used me to give, what He placed inside of me, to those around me. I never understood this before, but He has slowly been revealing this to me, and I absolutely LOVE it!
In the mist of all this amazing learning, He has also blessed me with plenty of other smiles! I’ve spent some time at the park with my “little brothers”, Nito and Graham. We have also walked to this BEAUTIFUL park, called Parque Europa, which I know will be absolutely gorgeous during the summer sunshine. The laughter has been a continuous thing around our little home, and I am ever grateful for it! Daddy knows how much I love to laugh, and I love that He cared enough to give that to me. What’s even more beautiful, is that when even just one of us is not around, we can already feel their absence. DADDY, THANK YOU FOR THIS FAMILY!!
Fun Fact: Sunday, we went to Hillsong Madrid. What a fun experience! Worship was great – I felt EVERY SINGLE beat in my chest!! I enjoyed how animated the pastor was, and how clearly he made the message that there is SOOO much more in Christ, so don’t live in a box of limitations. THERE IS MORE!!
Lessons I have learned:
- God is with me ALWAYS!! He gave me this verse this week, and He has constantly kept it at the forefront of my mind [this is written personally for me, so look it up how it is written in the bible]: My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in me and was given to me by God. I am not alone. – 1 Corinthians 6: 19 I feel so strongly that God is preparing me for more, so He is keeping at the forefront of my mind, to not be afraid because He is ALWAYS with me. He will ALWAYS be with me!
- God cares about the smallest of my cares, my dreams. Therefore, do not place any limitations on myself.
My encouragement to you: DREAM! Dream BIG! Take some time to think about what it is you would do if there were NO obstacles (money, fear, etc) in your way! Write them down. Align your heart with God’s word. Move with Him! And DO NOT BE AFRAID, AND DO NOT PLACE LIMITATIONS ON WHAT GOD CAN DO!!! {please do share your dream, I would like to know your dream!}
Please know that I am ever grateful for your partnership in this adventure, whether it be through prayer, finances, text messages, social media posts, or soon to be letters (if you need my address, PLEASE message me). THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
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