
There is something in you that brings change to the world wherever you go.
Last week’s class was centered around inner healing, and I went into last week with arms stretched wide, ready for God to do a work in me; I was in for a treat.
Class started with our teachers giving each student a word from God. This is always my favorite, because I like hearing what Daddy has to say about me. Many times, it comes to me as a confirmation of things He has been sharing with me during our conversations. One word that came to me, that I have received for quite a bit now, is JOY. It was also said to me that I am a hurricane of life. Ha, I really enjoyed that one. I would love to share the explanation behind each word with you, so if you are interested in knowing more in detail what was given to me, send me a text, DM, or video chat me if you can’t wait for my return to the states. One last thing that was said to me, was that I would understand myself and be set free from things in my life.
As the week went on, and we looked at the book of Amos, where the Lord shows Amos a plumb line He hangs next to His people Israel because they had become so crooked in their ways, God began to bring things to my memory from my past. Many memories began to flood my mind, memories that I guess I tried to suppress as a child, but I needed to get rid of in order to be set free.
Imagine that every one of your memories is placed into its own box. As you get older, some of the boxes may become hidden, but they’re not gone. You may forget about them, which causes you to never go looking for it, but it doesn’t mean that it’s not still there. Some of those hidden boxes, may be filled with “rotten eggs”, that continue to cause a stink in your life that you can’t seem to figure out why, because you’ve forgotten all about those boxes. This smell will continue to follow you, until you get rid of it. The memories that came flooding into my mind, were hidden boxes that contained “rotten eggs”.
Daddy God was bringing those boxes of memories back to the top of the pile, so that I could get rid of them and surrender them to Him. Hiding them and holding on to them, was blocking me from being able to follow the calling He has on my life. Remembering them brought pain, and anger. I was SO angry, and confused! I cried. I cried way too much for my liking (so sorry Tricey).
These memories, these boxes of rotten eggs, were lies that the enemy planted in my life at such an early age, because he saw the Holy Spirit on my life. The enemy saw that God had some big plans for me since the beginning, and he wanted to try to stop me from following in God’s plans. I believed his lies for such a long time. One lie that really affected me was that I was not important, I didn’t have a place.
Growing up, I would see and hear about my brother speaking the Lord and to His angels. I would even see and hear my aunt and my dad speaking to the Lord, but not me. I wanted the Lord to speak to me, and kept wondering why I couldn’t hear from the Lord. Growing up, I just remember feeling like I just didn’t belong anywhere – everyone else had a place, had a talent, but not me. I always felt like I need to fight to prove myself, so that I too would be noticed for something, but this week of class, Divine Plumb line, Daddy God replaced that lie with His truth. He told me, “I chose you from the very beginning”.
From the VERY beginning, my Daddy God chose ME. He has had a plan for my life since the VERY beginning. The calling that He has on my life is HUGE – something that I feel so worthless to be called to do, but my Daddy God has said to me that I am worth everything! It makes so much sense now, as to why songs like, “I Will Go” by Starfield and “Called Me Higher” by All Sons & Daughters, have been my heart’s cry out. The enemy tried his hardest to keep me from knowing the truth about what my Daddy God decided about me from the very beginning, but my God!
He has chosen me! He has called me! He wants to use me. He loves me. He treasures me. He says I am important. I was/am chosen. There is so much more; and He hasn’t stopped speaking to me since last week.
As a celebration of what God did in our lives this week, our own leaders blessed us with a special dinner. Again, I would love to share more with you about that, just in a more personal way (message me or we can meet over coffee when I return).
After this week, I know that I have fallen more in love with my God. Something about knowing that He chose ME, that He calls ME important, that He wants ME on His team, makes me love Him more.

Found a smoothie place! I’m a happy girl 🙂
Outreach Update:
- Greece: June 23rd, we will head out to work with children & refugees.
- Spain: In July, we will come back to work with children, to host a kids camp! yay!!
Lesson I have learned: The enemy attacks at your identity, and he starts at an early age.
My encouragement to you: Take some time with Daddy, and write all the lies that you have been believing about yourself. Then find the TRUTHS that Daddy God says about you in His word, and listen to His voice. Let’s stop the enemy in his tracks!
Please know that I am ever grateful for your partnership in this adventure, whether it be through prayer (please read the “get involved” page), finances, text messages, social media posts, or letters (if you need my address, PLEASE message me). Thank you for supporting me as God is growing me as a disciple of His If you would like to financially support me in any way, please click the button found on the Home page, or send me an email. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
MEET NO STRANGERS shirts are still available to purchase. Get a shirt, wear it, and share your stories. Allow God to use you to be His voice!
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