Happy “DTS GRADUATION” Saturday

Andrew, Isa, and I are very happy to have made it to the end of this adventure of our first time directing a DTS. Last night, we had baptisms for those who wanted [pictured below, is one of my favorite moments during that time. Can’t wait to share with you all the story behind it.], and today we are prepping for the graduation tonight.
We have seen God move in such incredible ways throughout these 5 months – i can’t wait to share some with you in our newsletter coming some time in August. I will also try to blog some throughout the month of August, as I take some time to process it all.
I wanted to come update you all on our travels for this year. With flights being EXTREMELY expensive right now, we will not be able to fly out this August. However, we ARE looking at the possibility of flying later this year when flights are SOOOO much cheaper (just looking in November, for example, the flights are about a third of the cost). As soon as we have dates, we will be sure that you have them so that we can begin scheduling time with you all!
If you would like to give towards our trip, you can do so through any of the links in our Get Connected page, and specify “stateside travels”.
Thank you all for your continuous love & support!
Andrew, Maiya, & Isabela Kuettner
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