In this newsletter, you will find:
- Start of the new season / year
- New projects
- Dates for the states
- Isa girl updates
As you know, Lauren Edwards has joined us here in Spain. Please make sure that when you give towards Andrew and me, that you choose “Missions: Spain (Maiya)“. If you have recurring giving that doesn’t have my name in the memo, please also update that. If you have further questions please get in contact!
If you would like to give towards our trip in the states (to help with expenses while in the states), you can do so through any of the links below, and specify “stateside travels”.
Here’s my “book” for the month of September. Grab your preferred beverage, kick back, and let’s jump in!

The beginning of September came with the start of a new season/year for us here at the base. The “startup” typically includes some time of hearing from God for the new season, to be able to project, and sharing this with the rest of the base. This start time also included the start of the impact DTS.

In the Impact DTS this season, we get to see 7 Catholics and 4 Protestants come together to grow closer to God together. It’s already made an interesting change in our weekly Bible study, as many of the Catholic kids have very different perspectives on some scriptures from most of the rest of our community. One of the priests (Padre Nico) comes to stay a few nights a week in the base, to be involved in the DTS. He is definitely one that is very present (he is pictured here dancing with everyone during the first Open Worship of the season).
~ Open Worship Healing ~
Open Worship is a time of free-flowing worship that the wider community is invited to. During this time, there may be moments of rapping, dancing, singing, or just being in His presence. This happens 2x a month.
During our first Open Worship of the season (literally the next day after the opening ceremony of the DTS), we were having a moment of inviting the Holy Spirit to move. It was during this time, that everyone was invited to get into pairs to pray for the Spirit to fill up and move in that person’s life. One of the DTS students came over to me, and so I began to ask the Holy Spirit to come and do what He does :). Then I began to feel a few things to pray for her and declare over her life.
As I finished, she looked at me with this surprising/thankful look, and began to tell me that she had a very bad headache before and during the worship time, but that while I was praying for her, she could feel the pain leave her. So together we praised God for the work He did in Her body.
It was so sweet to see her jump over to another student to share what just happened to her. I love how God loves His children.
Only a month has passed, but we have been really busy working with our respective ministries, projecting what the next year of base life will look and how we can continue to impact more people’s lives for Christ. We are not only focusing reaching the whole country of Spain, but we are also trying to touch our neighborhood.
One of the most interesting projects coming in the base is a monthly “community of faith” meeting. This will be a place where all of our various small groups on the base can meet together and have something that looks like a typical Sunday morning church service (although, it will probably not be on a Sunday nor in the morning haha).
Another project we have for this season is creating a relationship at the homeless shelter here in Torrejon de Ardoz. We are currently providing a dance class (per their request) to the attendees and helping Margarita (the lady who runs the place) with all the paperwork (since COVID, she has been in HIGH need of some consistent help).
We are very excited for all of the changes that are coming and everything God continues to do, especially in the area of creating disciples, and not just converts.
Andrew and I have our tickets for the states!! We will be stateside from November 2nd to December 5th.
From November 4th to the 20th, we will be in GA and from November 20th to December 5th we will be in NC. Yes, that means we will get to spend Thanksgiving with family this year…YAY!!!
We would love to be able to connect with you while we are stateside, so let’s sync up our calendars!! You can send me a whatsapp, facebook message, DM on Instagram, or even just respond to this email to find a date and time that works :). Can’t wait to see you!!
Stateside trip expenses
Now that we have our flight, we are still in need of a little help with the daily expenses that arise while stateside (diapers, gas, food, etc).
If you would like to give towards our trip in the states (to help with expenses while in the states), you can do so through any of the links below, and specify “stateside travels”. No matter the amount ($20, $50, $500, etc.), we GREATLY appreciate it!

As you may remember, the month of August is “vacation month” here, where our base closes for the month. For Andrew and I, it was a bit weird to not be in the states this year, yet it was pretty nice to have some “down time” to just be a family ya know. Once September began, we were pretty ready, as ready as one can be with a baby for the first time, to get back to the work flow. It was a first time working in a regular “9-5” type office environment with our daughter.

It’s been quite an interesting balance for us to work out this month as right now, sometimes we bring Isa into the office (pictured) and some days one of us can work from home for part of the day, where Isa is a bit more comfortable. Yes, those are pictures (above), of our girl getting in those Zzz’s just about anywhere she possibly can..haha. And don’t worry, she no longer has to play on the ground, we were given the playpen thingie, so she now plays in that while I work in the office.
Andrew and I were approached by a young, newly dating, couple on the base to help mentor and walk with them on the road towards marriage. We have been meeting with them every two weeks for about a month and a half now, helping them process and live out a Christian relationship as they work and minister together. It’s been very rewarding for us.

The first week postpartum was quite the interesting week (other moms, you know). Not only learning how to be a mom and a “fresh out of the oven” baby, but also dealing with my milk coming in. I’m not going to go into details of all that, BUT there was one advice that stuck with me during that time – keep breastfeeding and keep pumping.
I share that to say, I have had SOOO much milk since the time my girl was born, and I’m so thankful for it. Not only have I had more than enough milk for my girl (which now we are making food for her to eat with the milk), but I have been able to share milk with other mommies who either aren’t getting out enough milk for their baby OR just don’t have any milk at all.
What a blessing it has been to me, to be able to be a blessing to others!
💛I S A B E L A💛

Our girl is now 5 months old (soon to be 6 months on the 21st), and has now been eating solids (still learning how that works haha) and is working on crawling. She hasn’t quite figured it out completely, BUT she definitely gets around. With her daddy being an “everything Atlanta” fan, and her mama being a panthers fan…well, you see the picture below…haha.

We go on a little walk everyday, as part of her bedtime routine, because she loves to see all there is to see – she is quite the social butterfly. Just last week, she attended her first wedding and was the ABSOLUTE cutest!!

The homie Ashley is here now as well, so our Isa girl has been getting to know her auntie Ashley some.
Andrew, Maiya, & Isabela Kuettner
- Base-wide
- For God to give us wisdom and direction as we begin a new season on our base, with new personal.
- Impact
- Lives would be impacted during the outreach week in Camarma
- Guidance for how to go about starting the “community of faith”
- Transformation
- Wisdom for how to “follow up” with people / families as they respond to the call to receive Christ.
- Andrew and Me
- Finances. For our trip to the states, as well as taking care of our daily needs.
- Wisdom for Andrew and me on being husband & wife and parents and missionaries, and now relationship mentors.
- Wisdom and guidance with all the paperwork needed to finish for Isabela’s health card.
- Spanish License. Favor with the whole process – finding the right place for taking / passing / paying for the class.
We want to thank ALL of you for being with us in this fun adventure as missionaries. Thank you for faithfully praying and faithfully giving each month.
For those of you who have been with us since the beginning, we would like to ask if you would also pray about an incremental increase. Just an additional 10% each month would go a long way to help us keep up with the costs of living here in Spain, as well as welcoming a new member to our family!
Thank you all soooo much!!
Check out our Get Connected page.
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