In this newsletter, you will find:
- First outreach week for the DTS
- International outreach to Romania information
- A SURPRISE arrival
As you know, Lauren Edwards has joined us here in Spain. Please make sure that when you give towards Andrew and me, that you choose “Missions: Spain (Maiya)“. If you have recurring giving that doesn’t have my name in the memo, please also update that. If you have further questions please get in contact!
Here’s my “book” for the month of April. Grab your preferred beverage, kick back, and let’s jump in!
The week of April 11th was Semana Santa (Holy Week), as many of you know. Because, people here in Spain are more open to hearing about Jesus Christ during this time, we wanted to take advantage of this week to use it as an outreach week for our students. Leading up to Semana Santa, we have had 4 weeks of classes, so Semana Santa was our first outreach week for our students.
We started the week with 3 days of classes, talking about “The person and work of the Holy Spirit”, “Operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit”, and “Supernatural Healing”. We then teamed up with Impact during their youth camp – taking part in connecting with the youth from the different small groups Impact has been able to form, and then going out for street evangelism.

As a DTS, we took part in an open air church service, in the city square, where the different evangelical churches all came together to celebrate Easter Sunday. There, the students were able to perform a drama (their first one), and we witnessed many people choosing to surrender their lives to Christ that morning.

After celebrating Easter Sunday over lunch together, we ended the day with an Easter Egg hunt – where over 40 kiddos came out, with their parents/guardians. They were able to hear the gospel, and all of us were able to also make connections with new families.
This was a very difficult week for many of our students, as it was a “non-stop” week. We had to have many times of encouraging them to rest when there were “little pockets of time”, but also reminded them that this is only a taste of what outreach will look/feel like – international & national outreach are much longer than a week, and can be much more tiring :). Nonetheless, they all survived and ALL had great things to share about what they learned from the week. I love seeing how God is growing all of them and moving in their lives.
All-in-all, classes and co-living between staff and students have been going really well. And we have seen so many breakthroughs within our students. God is moving in the lives of our staff and students, and Andrew and I are very grateful that God has chosen us to be part of their journey. As I have shared with a few of you about some specific details about some of our students – I thank you for praying specifically for those students.

What is one of my favorite things about our DTS students is the variety of cultures that they all bring to the table. With the different cultures, it made for a great time to have a Food Festival to be able to raise some money for Cien por Cien Vida (our NGO). At this food festival, our students each decided on a plate to prepare from their country, to sell. I wasn’t able to attend (read below to find out why), but I heard all about how awesome they all did! All who came truly had a great time connecting and eating.
International Outreach: Romania
We are currently preparing for our international outreach to Romania. The plan is to leave May 28th to work with a YWAM base in Kluj, for about 3 weeks. There we will be working largely with Ukrainian refugees and the gypsy population.
I will not be joining the DTS for this time, however Andrew plans to go for part of the time time. He will need about $500 to be able to take part in this outreach. We would greatly appreciate if you’d pray about giving towards this trip for him to be able to go. You can give through any of the ways listed below. Please write in the memo that it is for Andrew’s trip to Romania OR write me directly.
As a DTS, we plan to spend 3 weeks in June for International outreach in Romania.

Yes, our sweet little princess, who was due to arrive May 4th, decided it was time to make her grand entrance into the world just a little early!

She has definitely been the sweet gift to the both of us already. We are both tired, but loving this life as parents to the sweetest girl, who has the biggest attitude haha.

She was born on Thursday the 21st, and we were able to go home with her that Saturday. However, the following Wednesday, after her first pediatrician appt, she was admitted to the hospital for jaundice. It nearly broke my mama’s heart (emotions were extremely high – so just imagine the amount of tears), however, the peace that did come over me was INCREDIBLE. God is so sweet. I am so thankful for the community He has blessed us with here as well, that has been with us through all of this journey.
She spent 2 nights in the NICU. Andrew and I were there for both days that she was there, which ended up not only being beneficial to her (her time at the “beach”) but it also turned out to be a blessing for me. One of the nurses in the NICU, Elena was her name, was a tremendous help to me with taking care of a few breastfeeding needs.

We are very happy to have our baby girl back home with us, and now able to continue working on incorporating her into our routine of life in the ministry, while also just learning to be parents.
This Sunday, my mom will be here for about 2 weeks!!! I am soooo excited for her to be here to not only get to know her new “snookums”, but also just to be here!! And we’ll be able to celebrate mother’s day together :). And when she leaves, Andrew’s sister will be arriving. Our sweet girl will get to meet one of her grandma’s AND one of her aunt’s already :).
To all of you who have been praying for our little family, we truly thank you!
If you would like to come out to Spain to visit or to work, know that our house is open. Just let me know ahead of time to make sure someone else isn’t already staying AND to be able to send you our list of stateside wants 😉
Andrew, Maiya, & Isabela Kuettner
- Base-wide
- Wisdom for the communities of faith.
- For continuous protection & provision over the teams that have gone to help in Romania and Ukraine
- Impact
- Wisdom for planning the summer outreaches & for how to prepare churches to follow up with people who respond to the altar call from the events.
- Transformation
- Strategies for reaching even more people in our community for God’s Kingdom
- For God to continue to move within the lives of our staff and students.
- Favor, direction, and provision for the international & national outreach portion of the DTS
- Andrew and Me
- Continued good health for Isabela.
- Wisdom for Andrew and me on being husband & wife and parents and missionaries
- Speedy recovery for me
- Increase in our finances
- Favor with doctors & understanding of the health system here in Spain as parents
- Opportunities to continue blessing those around us
We want to thank ALL of you for being with us in this fun adventure as missionaries. Thank you for faithfully praying and faithfully giving each month.
For those of you who have been with us since the beginning, we would like to ask if you would also pray about an incremental increase. Just an additional 10% each month would go a long way to help us keep up with the costs of living here in Spain, as well as welcoming a new member to our family!
Thank you all soooo much!!
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