In this newsletter, you will find:
- Christmas Outreach
- Couches…what?!
- Isa girl updates
- Even a little bit can go a long way
As you know, Lauren Edwards has joined us here in Spain. Please make sure that when you give towards Andrew and me, that you choose “Missions: Spain (Maiya)“. If you have recurring giving that doesn’t have my name in the memo, please also update that. If you have further questions please get in contact!
If you are not a regular monthly financial supporter, we would like to ask you if you would pray about committing to give monthly. As you can imagine, with inflation, and having a 6-month old baby, our cost of living has increased. Because of that, any amount would be a great help.
For example: $10 a month is a week’s worth of diapers, $20 a month gets us coffee, $50 a month pays for our internet.
If you would like more information about becoming a monthly supporter, or have any questions, private message me.
Here’s my “book” for the month of DECEMBER. Grab your preferred beverage, kick back, and let’s jump in!

During the month of December, we took to various places to make this known, with a Live Nativity. In 5 days, there were 5 events, giving more than a thousand people the opportunity to hear the gospel, and over one hundred responded to the altar call – declaring that they want to make Jesus the Lord of their lives.
This year’s live nativity was a dream come true for Impact, as they have had this desire for YEARS to have a full live band…this year they did!! Actually, one of the musicians shared they he had been wanting to do something like this for quite some time, and it was during this time that God revealed to him that hew as receiving exactly what he had been dreaming of. God is so sweet.
During this outreach time, Impact also had one of their big events. This event, however, was not big in attendance (about 30 people showed up), but it was definitely a special event for those few people. A woman who attended the show shared with one of the members of Impact that God has restored her after years of living in depression. Even if it was just for her…

After one of the live nativity events, we started our first Community of Faith meeting/service (we are calling this LA BASE). This has been a long time coming and we are so grateful to God for this moment. We have many small groups that meet around our base, where various teams/groups have been reaching out to people of all backgrounds/likes, to walk with them as they get to know Christ (sports groups, people who like anime, etc). The one thing missing was a place for all these groups to come together – that place is now LA BASE.

We were given permission to use the outside space of a parroquia in order to spend some time with some of the people we have been connecting with from the homeless shelter with a Christmas Merienda (snack). It was a nice time getting to connect over some food and hot chocolate, as well as getting to share the gospel and our testimonies.

We also had a Christmas Merienda for the families that receive food from the food distribution we have 2x a month. We shared a time together singing Christmas carols, playing some games, eating food, sharing the gospel, and hearing testimonies from some of the families. During the altar call, Noemi raised her hand with the desire to make Jesus the Lord of her life. She broke down in awe of just how much Jesus loves her and how He has been keeping her and her family. I love God so much!
And we ended the night by blessing each family member with a Christmas basket filled with some goodies (some needed food items, such as cooking oil, and some Christmas sweets), all of which was donated by various individuals and stores. It was definitely a night of blessings.

Our first DBS here at YWAM MADRID has begun!! There are a total of 6 students (all from our base, for this first school). Yes, Andrew is a staff for this school; he will be teaching a few times as well.
Part of the structure of this school is that there are small groups every afternoon, where the students and staff read the bible out loud, and discuss together. Some of the small group times take place in our home. I’m even more thankful that we were blessed with new couches!! (picture of the couches to come later)

Lauren has arrived!
And she has been officially received as staff.

WE HAVE NEW COUCHES!!! These arrived right before the year ended and what a blessing they have been, and what an answer to prayer! We are so grateful.
They came just in time for our NYE’s game night too. I’m even more happy to have them, as part of my heart for wanting new/comfy couches was so that when people come over, they can be comfy as well. And God answer that prayer!!! They’re perfect for the small group that meets in our house for the DBS as well. God is so dope!
💛I S A B E L A💛

Our girl is now 8 months old (soon to be 9 months on the 21st), and is now walking!! Yes, you read that right…WALKING. Literally the day before her 8 month birthday, she began taking steps. She now thinks she should be running. PRAY FOR ME!!

Christmas was so much fun watching her with her gifts. She LOVES stuffed animals, so of course opening up the gift from the base and seeing that it was a little bunny really made her day. Little lady also really enjoys books, so she was very happy to see her new books as daddy and mommy helped her open them.

Isa has such the personality…I absolutely love it! She’s loud and is such the sweetest girl!

And well…why not a picture of [almost] all the babies of our base (missing 2).
Andrew, Maiya, & Isabela Kuettner
- Base-wide
- For God’s will to be done in the DBS – in the staff and students.
- Impact
- For God to continue to move in the current iDTS, while they are on outreach.
- Transformation
- Wisdom and guidance as we plan the upcoming DTS
- Favor with students (and some staff) getting their visas to be able to travel
- For Noemi. A job, a home, for her children to be able to get into school.
- Andrew and Me
- Spanish License. Favor with the whole process – finding the right place for taking / passing / paying for the class.
- Finances. Daily expenses and especially with the increase in gas prices (as you can imagine)
- Wisdom for Andrew and he helps to lead/staff the DBS.
- Wisdom for Andrew and me on being husband & wife and parents and missionaries, and now relationship mentors.
We want to thank ALL of you for being with us in this fun adventure as missionaries. Thank you for faithfully praying and faithfully giving each month.
For those of you who have been with us since the beginning, we would like to ask if you would also pray about an incremental increase. Just an additional 10% each month would go a long way to help us keep up with the costs of living here in Spain, especially with inflation!
If you are not a regular monthly financial supporter, we would like to ask you if you would also pray about committing to give monthly. As you can imagine, with inflation, and having a 6-month old baby, our cost of living has increased. Because of that, any amount would be a great help.
For example: $10 a month is a week’s worth of diapers, $20 a month gets us coffee, $50 a month pays for our internet.
Thank you all soooo much for being with us in this!!
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