In this newsletter, you will find:
- God is working in the schools
- Seeing God transform lives
- What God is speaking after the fast
- Isa girl updates
- Even a little bit can go a long way
As you know, Lauren Edwards has joined us here in Spain. Please make sure that when you give towards Andrew and me, that you choose “Missions: Spain (Maiya)“. If you have recurring giving that doesn’t have my name in the memo, please also update that. If you have further questions please get in contact!
If you are not a regular monthly financial supporter, we would like to ask you if you would pray about committing to give monthly. As you can imagine, with inflation, and having a 6-month old baby, our cost of living has increased. Because of that, any amount would be a great help.
For example: $10 a month is a week’s worth of diapers, $20 a month gets us coffee, $50 a month pays for our internet.
If you would like more information about becoming a monthly supporter, or have any questions, private message me.
Here’s my “book” for the month of JANUARY. Grab your preferred beverage, kick back, and let’s jump in!
We currently have 3 schools running right now in our base: iDTS (Impact Discipleship Training School), BWAM (Business With A Mission), & DBS (Discipleship Bible School). Actually, BWAM is a 6-week course, but we’ll count it as a school this time.

The iDTS has been on outreach for the month of January. Part of the team was in the Canary Islands while the other part was in Paraguay. Here are some pictures from one of the events the team in the Canary Islands had and the response to the altar call. We were able to hear some testimonies from this event just how hungry the people were but also how “all in” the DTS staff/students were. Hundreds of people are responding to the gospel during the DTS outreach time, and THAT’S INCREDIBLE! This is what it’s all about. I love being part of a place that is all in for the Kingdom!
We are also currently preparing for the Voice for the Voiceless DTS (V4V DTS) that starts this March. Currently, we have 4 students, coming from 4 different countries. Please pray with us for more students for the school.

As I shared earlier this month, the DBS has begun! This is the first (of many to come) DBS here at our base, with the second one starting this September. Already in this month, we have seen God provide part of the finances for some people to be able to pay for the school in such a sweet way.
Pictured is Andrew teaching on the book of Deuteronomy. I’m enjoying this time of the school so much, as it has provoked some challenging conversations about God’s word in our house. I’ve also enjoyed seeing our house full during the small groups, and hearing the word read. Every time I see this sight (pictured below), I’m blessed thinking about how much God blessed us with our new couches for such a time as this. God is so dope!

Our monthly food distribution continues, along with the small group time we have with those who want to stay. Well, as you know, this distribution has been going since COVID hit, and about a year after, we started with the small group devotion time. It’s so great to see how God is working / moving in the lives of each individual in different ways. One of the ladies, MJ, we have seen God pull here through in various difficult situations (some being in her health) and now she has shared how she wants to honor God with her relationship. She and her boyfriend are now planning their wedding for this June and were talking about joining one of the local churches. She has also been using her TikTok platform to encourage others living is similar situations she has lived and/or even more difficult. Please keep them in your prayers as they both are experiencing some health issues for which they are thanking God for His strength.
I share this story as an encouragement to KEEP GOING. This has been an ongoing ministry/work – loving on each person who comes to receive, sharing God’s truths, challenging them, and representing Christ as best we can. And now, to see how SHE is choosing God for herself. It’s worth all the time/effort/tiredness. God is love.
As of lately, we have received many opportunities to live out Matthew 25:35-36. It’s heartbreaking to see many people in difficult situations (especially when with children), but I’m so grateful that we, as a ministry/base, are in a position to be able to help. Not only with food, but also with clothing. We are blessed to blessed.
We are preparing for the leader’s strategy conference this month (FEBRUARY 17-19), that will cost us about $240 for the weekend. If you are able to give to that, we would GREATLY appreciate it.
We finished the 21-day fast alongside many of you back in the states! I don’t super LOVE not eating, but I DO love the intentional moments that I do take during our time of fasting to just sit, talk, and listen to what God wants to say for this year. Every year, I ask God for a word/phrase for the year, which I always come back to throughout the year to remind / push me. This year’s fast, God literally spoke to me the phrase ON THE FIRST DAY!! Haha – and as the fast went on, He continued to reveal more and help me to see the big picture and understand more what that means. If you are interested in hearing more about this, write me. I would love to chat about it.
From this, I am excited to announce that I will be teaching, for the first time in a DTS, during the V4V DTS. I’m nervous AND excited. Please be praying for ya girl!
💛I S A B E L A💛

Our girl is now 9 months old!! She has quite the little personality developing and keeps everyone laughing.

Her new thing as of lately is what you see in the last picture above. And to go with the face, she makes these little snorting noises, it’s pretty funny/cute. She is such a character; I love her so much! She also really enjoys her books (if you would like to send her some books, this mama and papa are super okay with that!).

I’m loving these moments. The mommies and babies together. God truly has blessed us with a great community!
Andrew, Maiya, & Isabela Kuettner
- Base-wide
- For God’s will to be done in the DBS – in the staff and students.
- Impact
- For God to continue to move in the current iDTS, as they finish out the DTS.
- Transformation
- Wisdom and guidance as we plan the upcoming DTS
- Favor with students (and some staff) getting their visas to be able to travel
- For MJ and her boyfriend’s health situation.
- Andrew and Me
- God’s wisdom and guidance as I prepare for the DTS class.
- Spanish License. Favor with the whole process – finding the right place for taking / passing / paying for the class.
- Finances. Daily expenses and especially with the increase in gas prices (as you can imagine)
- Wisdom for Andrew and me on being husband & wife and parents and missionaries, and now relationship mentors.
We want to thank ALL of you for being with us in this fun adventure as missionaries. Thank you for faithfully praying and faithfully giving each month.
For those of you who have been with us since the beginning, we would like to ask if you would also pray about an incremental increase. Just an additional 10% each month would go a long way to help us keep up with the costs of living here in Spain, especially with inflation!
If you are not a regular monthly financial supporter, we would like to ask you if you would also pray about committing to give monthly. As you can imagine, with inflation, and having a 6-month old baby, our cost of living has increased. Because of that, any amount would be a great help.
For example: $10 a month is a week’s worth of diapers, $20 a month gets us coffee, $50 a month pays for our internet.
Thank you all soooo much for being with us in this!!
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