Breastmilk: The Gift of LifeLifestyle, SpainXAugust 10, 2024Using my breastmilk to nourish precious lives.
Time Flies When You’re Having…A Baby!Lifestyle, Spain, UpdatesXAugust 28, 2022I’ve been gone for a year, but I’m back!
I don’t need a classroom to be a teacherSpainXJuly 16, 2021I am getting to experience some of the best parts of being a teacher right
Slow down. The hurry isn’t worth itFrom The Heart, SpainXApril 2, 2021It’s very easy to become so busy with life & overlook the treasures of God.
It’s SNOWING!Spain, UpdatesXJanuary 8, 2021I’m just wondering if they have “snow days” here in Spain like in the States.
Out of the BoxFrom The Heart, SpainXJanuary 5, 2021Maybe 2020 was really just teaching us to think “out of the box”