Freshly Baked Cookies = Love
Cookies are great, especially when they’re fresh and made well and with love. Cookies are also a great way to bless people, so I really enjoy making them.
The other day, Andrew and I decided to make cookies, for no other reason but truly to be a blessing to everyone on (and around) the YWAM base where we live, and to our bellies as well :). We were receiving many requests for cookies, and happened to have an open Saturday to do so, so we did.
You’re crazy! Why would you travel so far for this?
I needed brown sugar for the cookies, and there’s only one place, that I’ve found here, that has brown sugar. However, this place is about 2.5km from where I live so it’s a good distance when you don’t have your own car and would have to carry items in backpack and arm bags.
I can’t believe you guys are doing this for the entire base! I’ve never met people so nice.
We spent over 4 hours baking over 300 cookies Saturday, and didn’t ask for anything in return – just for people to come eat and enjoy.
It’s pretty crazy, because ever since I’ve been here on this base, I’ve received many comments from people similar to the above; comments talking about how generous or nice I am, or even how they don’t understand why I would do something so nice. The best way I know how to answer this is because of love. I love people and really enjoy blessing people.
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
John 13: 35 NIV
There’s this song from Amber Sky Records that says, “let the world see You when they look at me // let the love of God be all they see”. I would sing this song Sunday mornings for our children’s ministry, but it also truly became a song of my heart. I want the world to see Christ when they look at me. I want the world to see the love of God when they look at me. What a blessing it has been to me that it is happening.
I am determined to impact nations for God’s kingdom…and it’s all beginning through love.
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