Lactose In-WHAT?!

I’m back in the States, and it feels so good. It’s only been a little over a week and I’ve already managed to get myself a part in my church’s Christmas production 🙂 [WHAT WHAT!]. I’ll be the beautiful brown girl, wearing all black, becoming one with the “snow”. You’ll have to come out Sunday to see what I’m talking about. I invite you to come out and bring your family and friends. It’s more than just a show friends.

One thing I have enjoyed is being back in proximity of my minion onesies! By far one of my favorite ways to hang around the house.
I found myself becoming one with the onesies and a cup of coffee at least for the first 2 days of being home, while I tried to fight this jet lag situation.
The not so fun news I discovered is that I am lactose intolerant. This is just complete foolery, as everyone who knows me KNOWS that Ice Cream and I are BEST buds! I REFUSE to accept this – so I will suffer with a smile:)
Before leaving Spain, I had a conversation with God about how as I return to the States, I was going back, fully trusting Him in everything; He is in control and I am taking my hands off of everything, completely. Even typing this now makes me laugh, because I am not always so good at “releasing control”. I literally returned to the States with my own agenda – plans to get so much done just within the first 2 weeks of being home. God probably laughed at me, as He definitely had other things in mind.
Plans that I made to take care of my visa was changed big time, due to a few documents that needed to be taken care of, which meant more time was needed before driving up to DC.

Plans to go to ATL was changed when Snowpocalypse2018 hit us – in my neck of the woods, we got 11.5in of snow friends!
Mela and I built ourselves a lovely slope to sled down…into the street. We hurt ourselves a bit, but it was SO worth it! #badideaswithmaiya continues
There were other things that I was hoping to get done this first 2 weeks of being home, but those were changed, but ended up being for the better. I am very thankful for the rest God blessed me with by giving us snow. The snow made me stay off the roads, and spend additional time with my family. I talk so much about the importance of family to me, and I thank my God for slowing me down to be able to have that time with them. He even surprised me with some visits from my sisters & my niece & nephew before the weekend even began. He truly did load me up with family time – first things first, right?

These changes also freed up my schedule to be able to say yes to helping where there was need for help. One need being for the Christmas production, and another need being for La Posada going on at our Dream Center this weekend.
God also made it possible for me to bless a mother and her daughter – which was a big surprise for the daughter.

I even had enough time to take down my hair. Now, pray for me so that I don’t go crazy having to comb this stuff daily. Lord knows I am NOT a hair person!
I love how much God knows my heart better than me; that He knows what I need better than I do, and when I need it. His timing is absolutely perfect, and thinking about these first days of being home, I could not have planned them to go any better. God has allowed me time to be with people I love and care about (friends, family, students), He allowed me to do things I love and care to do (being a blessing to others, spending time with family, eating, resting, etc), and He gave me the rest I needed – all of this He did in just one week! And talk about His perfect timing, I returned right in time for our 1st Thursday of the month prayer night too. Friends, as my favorite person would say, God is dope!
For your enjoyment..the squad is back!
For the next 2 months…
- I am currently looking for ways to earn some money while I am home, so I can continue to take care of daily/monthly needs (I am a human after all)
- Trying to raise support/ers
- Spending time with family and friends
- Looking for ways to blessing however/wherever I can be 🙂
- Getting my visa, to be able to move to Spain in February
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